5th CEPE Di Tella Annual Conference – Energy, Climate Change and Growth: The Path to Sustainable Development

We all observe opportunities and tensions between economic growth, the impact on the environment and the development of countries in a context of climate change. The conference, which will be held in a hybrid format, offers a space for reflection and exchange among leading experts that will allow us to move towards sustainable development paths in the medium and long term.


  • Climate change: Dilemmas in the international discussion in the context of the Decarboost project.
  • Countryside and Climate Change: Carbon emissions in agriculture and livestock farming.
  • Youth and Climate Change: Youth as promoters of the environmental agenda.
  • State of the energy transition in the world
  • Interlude: Biases and Behavior in Climate Change and Energy Transition
  • Energy: transition and sustainable development in Argentina
  • Natural Resources and Sustainable Development

More information about the event:


Registration: https://www.utdt.edu/inscripcion_evento_agenda.php?id_evento_agenda=9339&id_item_menu=25202

Hybrid format: in person or via streaming Venue: Aula Magna, Campus Di Tella | Figueroa Alcorta 7350, CABA