This session of the Community of Practice aimed to analyse the impact of the results of the COP26 negotiations and their implications for investments in Latin America with a panel of experts.
Fundación Torcuato Di Tella shared a methodology developed to expeditiously analyse the results of the Glasgow Summit and some conclusions. Six dimensions (mitigation; adaptation; climate finance; loss and damage; Paris Agreement rulebook; real economy) were analysed under three criteria (obligations and implications for the parties; degree of consistency/coherence in terms of the commitments made and the materialisation of those previously made; sense of variation (increase or reduction over time) in terms of the commitments made and the materialisation of those previously made).
The implications of the COP26 results for the Latin American region from the point of view of climate finance were discussed, in particular for the project countries: Peru, Brazil and Argentina.
PDF only available in Spanish.
Recording of the webinar can be accessed in the following link (available only in Spanish):